Friday, October 30, 2015

Restaurant Equipment Layout.

     The first word that comes to mind when thinking of a restaurant kitchen. A stream lined kitchen will pay huge dividends in the form of happier cooks, servers and most importantly CUSTOMERS. 

     A properly designed kitchen will maximize the use of space, while minimizing redundancies and allowing an operator to buy appropriate equipment to facilitate the volume of his/her operation.

    A line starting at receiving>>>>storage>>>prep area>>>cooking>>>serving is a common template leading to an ergonomic kitchen design.  Flowing from one station to the next, allowing multiple positions and workstations to seamlessly integrate is the main goal of designing a restaurant kitchen.

   Factors that will affect the final design and what to consider:

1 Number of prep workers, cooks, washers during a shift

2. Actual square footage that can be allocated to the kitchen and storage area.

3 Knowledge of health code applicable to your space

4 Open vs closed kitchen

5 Menu and stlyle of restaurant, i.e. full service vs fast casual

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